Monday, December 31, 2012


In 2012 I've lived in 3 different places, lived in 2 different countries and have been in 6 different countries. I've seen many different places and got to know people from different countries and cultures. I think that the word "different" describes my year pretty well. 
In the first place my year 2012 started in Western Germany in a town called Dortmund. I bet it sounds familiar for every football fan. I spent six months as an Au Pair in a German family. I think the period in Germany grew me mentally a lot. When I came back to Finland, despite all the familiar faces and places, I had difficulties to adapt in my Finnish life. I think that when I finally managed to adapt in my regular life in Helsinki, I was already moving to Joensuu. Helsinki makes the second place where I've lived during this year and Joensuu makes the third one. In Dortmund I lived in a host family, in Helsinki I lived with my family and in Joensuu I lived in a family of three 20-year-old girls. 
In addition to Finland and Germany I've been in Netherlands, Greece, Turkey and Sweden. In Netherlands I visited with Lupe in the last February. We went to Amsterdam for one weekend and it was definitely one of the most memorable trips I've had. Then in the end of June me and my boyfriend traveled to the island Kos in Greece. During our two-week trip in Kos we also visited Bodrum, which is called as the Turkish Riviera. I was disappointed with Bodrum, because there was no Eastern atmosphere at all. I had imagined all the great bazaars and everything before. At least I had a chance to ride a camel. In the end of summer we went to a cruise to Stockholm with my family. Our trip consisted of shopping, shopping, eating, shopping and shopping. 
This year I also made it to the university and lived for the first time on my own. Not completely alone, but without parents or a host family. In Joensuu I got to taste the real student life and it's pros and cons. In year 2012 one of my longest dreams came true, when I saw Red Hot Chili Peppers live at Tampere in August. I also turned 20 and celebrated it with good friends and my boyfriend. I want to thank everyone, who has been a part of my amazing year. Let's see what 2013 will bring us! 

Untitled #9

I'm surprised I managed to create such a girly New Year's card for you, but anyway:
Happy New Year 2013!
Hyvää uutta vuotta 2013!
Ein gutes Rutsch ins neue Jahr 2013!

Have a memorable step to the year 2013 and let the bottles pop! Be careful with the fireworks!

xoxo Pau

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